Folders and courses
Choose from the teachers’ page Our games and click on New folder.

(1) Name of the folder
(2) Description/information about the folder for yourself/colleagues. This cannot be seen (for students) in the app.
(3) Optionally choose a folder of which this folder should be a part.
(4) Choose whether the folder is/is not visible for students in the app.
(5) Optionally add an image (png or jpg) visible in the app.
Choose from the teachers’ page Our games and click on New course.
A course contains several games in a certain order.

(1) Name of the course.
(2) Description of the course; it is visible (under the title) in the app.
(3) Choose class(es) where this course is visible in the app.
(4) Add games and determine (by dragging and dropping) the order.