Can you adapt Earz games for students with dyslexia?

Earz’s standard games contain as little text as possible; hearing and recognising is paramount!
Nevertheless, it can of course happen that a student has trouble reading the question or assignment within a certain time.

As a teacher, what can you do about this?
Of course, you can adjust the time within which a student has to answer a question per level (in the modules Note Reading and Theory) or per question (in the module Quiz).
But you can also increase the answer time for the whole game at once! You can do this in the Extra settings of a game: see here for an explanation (no. 8)

How to proceed?
• Copy the game you want to use and add something in the title to make it recognisable to students with dyslexia.
• Now in this copied game, click on the pen symbol at the very (right) top and scroll all the way down.
• Add e.g. 100 (%) in the Response Time Correction field; this doubles the answer time in this whole game.
• So you now have 2 games: one normal game and the same game with a longer answering time!